Inside Corner Brackets

The Inside Corner Bracket consists of two saddles and a long 10′-10″ bar. The bar is long enough to support as many as three boards running beside the tower. You would encounter this when the tower is placed in an inside corner. This Inside Corner Bracket fits Heavy-Duty, Standard, and Workhorse.

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The Inside Corner Bracket works with 2, 3, or more boards on the masons’ platform.

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For safety, a tab keeps the bracket centered between two walkboards. That way, the boards coming from the other direction always have the proper support – at least 6′ from their ends.

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Sometimes you need to turn an inside corner to lay a short return wall. In that case, we make an inside corner return system. It consists of two of the inside corner return hangers you see to the right, and a 10′-10″ bar identical to the one used on a plain inside corner bracket.

You can put these on the end tower of a run and walk beside the tower to lay your return wall.

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The red arrow is pointing to the placement of the inside corner return hanger.

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You use two inside corner return brackets on Standard-Duty to create an inside corner return.

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