No one but Non-Stop will see your email address, or any other info you give us. We make our money by selling scaffolding, not your personal information.

This web site is strictly devoted to showing you how to reduce your labor costs, and/or job duration by using our fine scaffolding.

Every 100 feet of Non-Stop will replace 2 bricklayers. That means your crew of eight gets the production of 10, but you only pay 8. You get to keep the money for the other 2 for yourself.

You’d be amazed how many people either don’t understand that, or flat out don’t believe it. Let’s try it again.

Every 100 feet of Non-Stop will replace 2 bricklayers. That means your crew of eight gets the production of 10, but you only pay 8. Many people say, “That’s just ‘paper profit’ because you’re not actually paying anybody that’s not there.”

But that’s not true. The revenue IS coming in because you ARE getting paid the bid price. But it’s NOT going out to 2 bricklayers it WOULD have gone out to if you were working on frames. The money’s still in the bank. Real dollars. Real added profit. Just sitting in the bank. This is what the big guys know.

Then we hear, “2 bricklayers ain’t that much.”

Oh really? Let’s see. If you’re paying a bricklayer $20 an hour, times 8 is $160 a day. Times 20 is $3200 a month. Add a very conservative 20% for labor burden and you’ve got a little over $3800 a month. Times 2 bricklayers is $7600 a month.

We think that’s real money.

If you were on frames, they would have to physically be there and you would have to actually pay them to get that material in the wall. On Non-Stop, the rest of the bricklayers put in more material without even realizing it because they never have to stop, and the wall’s always waist-high.

To show you how serious we are about quality, we give you a No B.S. Lifetime Guarantee on all our products. If it breaks we fix it free, including freight. Nobody else does this. We can do this because we build our products like we built all our equipment we used in our own masonry business. We thought we had the most abusive workers in the world but all of you remind us we haven’t seen your crew tear stuff up yet. Well, the only way you’ll tear up Non-stop is to run over it with your forklift. That’s not covered, but we both know that.